1. Enrolment is not considered complete until payment has been made (either with a deposit, an instalment or full payment) and has cleared.

1.1 Payments for events are non-refundable. If you cancel with more than 30 day’s notice, your payment can be transferred to another event or course facilitated by Rachelle Harel Coaching. If you cancel with 30 days or less notice your payment is forfeit. If the organiser has to cancel for any reason, a full refund will of course be made.

1.2 Payments for courses or coaching packages are non-refundable unless good reason is provided, such as the program being falsely advertised.

  1. If you subscribe to a payment plan you agree to pay the remaining instalments on their due date until the amount has been paid in full. This applies even if you decide to cancel your booking. If you subscribe to a payment plan and fail to pay your instalments on the dates agreed, your access to the course or program will be temporarily cancelled without a refund until the payment has been received.
  2. Payments up front are accepted via bank transfer, credit or debit card, via direct debit or through PayPal. Cash payments are only accepted on the door, where specified for that event or with prior agreement from Rachelle Harel Coaching.  Please note, if you do not have a PayPal account you can still make your purchase with PayPal by using your credit or debit card, simply tick the box when you see it or checkout as a guest. Credit/debit cards payments can be made over the phone or in person.
  3. Your statutory right under the Consumer Contracts Regulations allows you fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of purchase of a course or program, in which to make a written request for cancellation, provided good reason is given.

4.1 The fourteen (14) calendar day cancellation period does not apply to instant digital downloads or events or masterclasses attended. By purchasing an instant digital download, you waive the right to cancel and claim a refund as you have received the product in full. See clause 1.1 for info on events.

4.2 To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform Rachelle Harel Coaching of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement in an e-mail info@rachelleharel.com within the fourteen (14) calendar day cancellation period. You will not receive any further practices or coaching sessions in the program;

4.3 If you have already received a coaching session and wish to cancel, refer to clause 7.2 below.

  1. Upon cancelling this contract in accordance with clause 4, Rachelle Harel Coaching will reimburse to you all payments received from you for this particular purchase, aside from if clause 4.3 applies. Rachelle Harel Coaching will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than fourteen (14) days after the date upon which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract. The reimbursement will be made using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction where possible.
  2. Refunds cannot be given once payment has been made, in part or in full, except where clause 4 applies. This applies to deposits or instalments paid as well as full course or event payments. Refunds are not awarded to anyone who failed to take part in the course or program they were enrolled in. You have to do the work and take responsibility for your part.

7 Regarding Coaching packages. By purchasing any of Rachelle Harel Coaching packages you are agreeing to the following terms:

7.1 If you cancel a coaching session with less than 24 hours notice, full payment of that session will be forfeited, at the discretion of Rachelle Harel Coaching. This also covers ‘free’ sessions given as bonuses or as part of a program or event. If more than 24 hour’s notice is given, you may re-arrange the session.

7.2 Coaching sessions must be taken within the time period agreed, either within the coaching program or time frame communicated, after which date they expire.

7.3 Rachelle Harel Coaching will offer up to a 50% refund (pro rata’d based on sessions and resources received) if you are hugely dissatisfied with the coaching program you have completed and you have given her a chance to rectify your reasons why you feel you haven’t got value. This is provided you have done the work, taken self-responsibility, asked for any clarification and followed her advice.

7.4 Rachelle Harel Coaching agrees to keep all information you share with her as confidential. She may share elements of your journey and results with prospective or other clients but only to inspire and never with any biographical information which may identify you or your business. I may also need to share details with my insurance company, upon request.

7.5 Any additional support you request which is outside of the agreed benefits for the program will be negotiated on a case by case basis and additional monies may need to be paid.

7.6 You, as the client agrees to;

7.6.1 be on time for every session (as we’ll finish at the finish time), be prepared and have completed any homework set.

7.6.2 not consume any alcohol or drugs before our sessions, and to declare any medication which may adversely affect your behaviour or cognition.

7.6.3 not share any of the information or practices imparted during a session, through any communication with Rachelle Harel Coaching or from any homework, without her express permission.

7.6.4 be in courageous and full communication, for example to ask for clarification when you don’t understand, to be honest if something isn’t working, to ask for further support if needed and to not wait until the end of the program to voice anything that has come up that hasn’t been working for you.

7.6.5 to complete the coaching program or series of sessions as agreed at the start, even if resistance arises, knowing that the way out is by continuing on, not by avoiding.


I will coach you and help you understand your options at key decision points. However, you must implement your own decisions and I cannot take any responsibility for the results of you carrying out these activities.

I also cannot do the work for you: you must take responsibility to set your own goals and take the actions to reach them. I’m here as your coach to support and guide you and for accountability.



I have insurance with Kendall Mason, covering Professional Liability, Public Liability and Product Liability. A copy of my certificate may be provided upon request.