Wouldn’t you love to feel calm and be more comfortable being you? 

Life coaching for perfectionists who are done with the rat race and want go live a fulfilled, purposeful life by getting unstuck from overthinking, fear and overwhelm. 

Book a call to learn more!


I know you don’t want to admit it…

But you’re feeling more than a little bit stressed, overwhelmed and tired.

If you’re truly honest with yourself, you know that your day ends on the couch, feeling completely exhausted. You either fall asleep there or you’re still going through all the to-do’s of tomorrow.

Feeling depleted has become part of your life and you’ve noticed that you don’t know how to feel relaxed and calm anymore. Your thoughts are racing and the only thing you can think about is: Am I doing it right?

You feel overly responsible for everything and everyone and therefore put a lot of pressure on yourself. You wished you were able to let go of things. However, the thought of actually doing that scares you, because you see everything you worked so hard for, either crashing down or falling apart.

Instead, you keep spinning all the plates and you find it difficult to ask for help. You don’t want to come across as weak, incapable or hear a ‘no’, so you don’t see another option than continuing what you’ve been doing. Even though you deep down inside feel that it’s not working for you anymore

It frustrates you and you have no idea on how to get unstuck from this place of unfulfillment.

If that resonates, I’m here to help.

I was there too

Hi there, I’m Rachelle. I used to think that running from one goal to another, being busy and stressed all the time was a normal way of living. Constantly being in my head and focused on the next thing to do. What I didn’t realise was that my overthinking and feeling stressed, took so much of my energy.

I had a hard time connecting with my body and therefore didn’t recognise the signs that I was actually overworked. I also didn’t spend enough time on the things I dreamt of doing.  Being busy all the time was also a way of not dealing with uncomfortable feelings.

The turning point in my life arrived after I completely got burned out in 2015. That's when I started to own my story, which led to self-growth and living authentically. A big part of my transformation process was unlearning, undoing and unbecoming.

In the years since, I’ve ticked off my dream list one by one, including travelling the world, creating a jewelry line, and helping female entrepreneurs look and feel their best through personal styling. All these experiences contributed to the person I am today and doing what I do best: helping people transform their lives.

About Rachelle

Imagine Living Life on Your Terms

Wouldn’t you love to feel comfortable in your own skin, just feeling relaxed, without worrying about your endless to-do list?

To say “no” to the things you no longer want to do and that aren’t serving the life you want for yourself.

To speak up because you don't give a damn about others’ opinions. You’re not holding things in anymore, because you feel it’s not good enough to share.

You finally start living life on your own terms, making swift decisions with confidence, free of guilt trips about what you did or didn't do for someone else.

When you lead with confidence and clarity, life feels like you’re floating on air, and you start to notice that not everything has to be a hard road. Good things begin to reveal themselves to you because you know how to let go.

You're also better able to live in the moment instead of dwelling on the past and overthinking every decision.

You've finally become this authentic person - the person you were meant to be, who has gained clarity about what your life should feel and look like to you.


I empower clients over a 3-month coaching journey. Let me take you from stressed-out human being to relaxed, fulfilled and authentic you.

Book your 45-min clarity call with me to find out if I’m the right fit for you. Working with a certified transformational life coach that you trust and you feel comfortable with is very important.

I’ll send you a questionnaire before our call so I already know a little more about where you’re currently at and what you need help with the most.

work with me

Working with me 1:1 or join my group program ReHab

Through 8 virtual sessions, you'll develop the clarity you need to transform you life. Knowing the necessary steps to achieve your personal goals.

Retreat location

Reinvent Yourself in Mallorca

Ready to reconnect with yourself, your goals and dreams. Working on your goals and personal development in the beautiful countryside of the Spanish island Mallorca.  

Interested in the next retreat? Sign up for the waiting list


"The project I had been stuck on for months all of a sudden starting pouring out of me"

When I started working with Rachelle, I expected her to help me transform.  Which she did. But I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. From the first session, Rachelle was able to tap right into the very thing that was blocking me. With every session that went by, I started seeing more transformations occur in both my personal and professional life.  The project I had been stuck on for months all of a sudden starting pouring out of me.  Rachelle pin pointed the areas in my personal life I didn’t know I needed to address in order to open up the portal to allow things to flow in my professional life. She challenged me to approach things differently in ways I never thought would work.  But they did.  I am beyond grateful for what Rachelle was able to help me unlock within myself so that I could achieve the specific goal I had been procrastinating on. She is a life altering coach.

- Lisa S.

"I found it difficult to express my needs"

Rachelle helped me to identify patterns and even areas of procrastination that have affected my time, business, and level of success. I found it difficult to find the words to express my needs with family and it was especially difficult establishing boundaries. Identifying the root of the problem, discussing strategies, and even considering pushback helped me to approach things in a new manner. I am now able to have those moments with friends and family, focus on school, and give my all to my business without giving up my self care."

- Nicole McC.

"I got a new perspective on things I struggled with"

"I needed a coach, because I got stuck during the pandemic: I had gained weight, I was unemployed and I wasn't feeling comfortable in my own skin. After 5 sessions I learned how to think in a different way. The sessions also steered me into exploring new directions and possibilities. I’m now better able to handle stressful situations in the future."

- Noemi N.

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Imagine living life on your own terms

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